Twitter Marketing

Just like with anything else, to successfully create a social media presence for yourself, your company, or your products, you must put in time and effort. Social media marketing is not a part time or do when you have the time job. It is a full time responsibility that only pays dividends when dedicated people apply their social media marketing knowledge and consistent efforts to make it a success. Twitter creates an online affinity. These are people who have shown an interest in you and would like to hear more about you.

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Why Social Media Marketing on Twitter?

Twitter is an excellent social media platform to communicate with hundreds if not thousands of people at the same time. It is a great way to communicate to current customers and to those who are interested in your product or service. The social media structure is organized by following the messages of other twitter account holders. When you follow a person or company, you receive their messages on your twitter account board or twitter feed. The hierarchy works similar to a multi-level marketing scheme where once you are a follower of another twitter account, you have access to other followers of that same account. Twitter brings mass communication to social media marketing and helps grow your brand's sphere of influence to the consumer.

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Steps to a Successful Twitter Account

  • 1) Understanding Twitter Terminology:

    With anything else, you must understand the terminology of twitter to be successful.

    • Tweets are a communicated message on twitter. When you tweet you communicate information.
    • Followers are those who are interested in you and choose to follow your tweets. Follow those twitter accounts who are relevant to your company and products.
    • Twitter feed is the board where you see all of the tweeted messages within your twitter network.
    • @ is a mention. This is used when communicating with certain individual twitter accounts. When used, all followers of that mentioned account are notified about the message on their twitter feed.
    • # Discover. For others with similar interests, the discover tab helps to connect. To organize twitter as a communication leader, the # sign is used to declare certain topics. For instance, when millions of people want to tweet about a breaking news story or trendy topic, they simply state#(insert topic or trend here). This way, all of those tweets are organized and other twitter accounts will see you tweet about that particular subject.
  • 2) Be Active:

    Twitter requires following leaders in your industry, key opinion leaders,competitors, customers, and potential clients. After you follow these types of Twitter account holders, it is vital that you communicate to your audience. Not only communicate on your own tweet platform, but use the @(insert Twitter account here) and communicate to the people you are following and those who are following you. Some social media marketing experts say to tweet 4-8 times per day.Research shows that it depends on the individual twitter account. A celebrity can enhance their image with 8 tweets per day, but that would ruin a company's credible image. Only tweet novel and reliable information. Don't waste people's time by tweeting about your morning coffee. Irrelevant tweets harm your social media image on twitter, sacrificing the amount of followers who might be interested in your subject matter. Tweeting relevant information on a consistent basis is the key to finding success on twitter.

  • 3) Say no to Tweet Overload:

    There are many software programs available that will automatically tweet multiple tweets per day pertaining to specific topics for you. Many novice social media marketers think this is the best way to stay active and obtain more followers. This is NOT correct! Twitter users do get turned off by these SPAM like programs and in the long run, it will ruin your twitter account status.

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The Notion That Social Media Does Not Attribute to Sales

This is entirely WRONG! Those people who are skeptical about social media marketing are either a) afraid of change or b) do not have the skills needed to represent social media for their clients. Therefore, they push business clients away from using social media to keep their business. Many non-progressive marketing companies continually argue that social media does not increase sales volume and/or do not have a direct effect on marketing. These are the same people that preach brand equity through advertising through television, print, and billboard media ads using psychodemographic techniques.

It is proven that social media marketing can directly effect sales and influence your company's or product's brand equity. To find out how social media marketing can increase sales and brand equity, Contact WebMarkets.

Company Branded Pages on Twitter

The biggest recent change to twitter is the creation of company brand pages. These pages have a lot more improvement over standard profiles or verified accounts. The biggest change is the addition of a customized header images allowing for more space to insert your brand logo, a promotion, or special event. If you have customized a twitter background in the past, you know it can be hard to make all of that information visible in such a small space. More space means more opportunities to brand your company. Another change is the embedded tweet option. Now tweets can be embedded on web pages and blog posts, creating automatic links back to your twitter profile whenever someone embeds your tweets. And lastly, with these branded pages, a company can now separate @ replies and mentions. This is key when managing a busy twitter account.

Fraudulent Activity on Twitter

As always, beware of those who want specific financial or personal information. Many twitter accounts are set up to SPAM and collect personal data to be used against you. Some warning signs of these accounts are an extremely disproportionate ration of followers to following and a extremely high or low amount of tweets. Some of these fraudulent accounts are solely made to follow other fraudulent accounts to create the persona of a popular twitter account. As always, use precaution and personal judgment for the best practices when incorporating twitter with your brand name.

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